Bobcat Football Banquet Held (11/25/13)
It was a packed house, at the American Legion, on Sunday, as the Clarion Area Football Boosters hosted the Annual Banquet, honoring this season’s KSAC Small School and District Nine Class – A Champion Bobcats. The fine meal was catered by Daddy’s.

Bobcat All-KSAC Players
Front Row Left to Right Cody Hearst, Tanner Corbett, Antonio Troese, Ian Corbett, Zack Miller
Back Row Left to Right Damien Slike, Destin Strauser, Benton Reichart, John Katis, Nathan McNamara
Booster Club President, David Hartley, who did an excellent job as the Master of Ceremonies, shared a Booster recap, highlighting the various ways the group helps the team. He thanked parents, coaches and others for their help. Special thanks were given to Stephanie Kalinowski and Teri Corbett for their tireless work in co-ordinating this year’s banquet.
Recognition was given to Support Staff, Equipment Staff, Athletic Trainers, Coaches and Players.
Some of the highlights of the evening included: Mr. Hartley presenting Coach Larry Wiser with a football that was autographed by Assistant Coaches and players, commemorating his reaching his 175th win, this season; recognition of players who set team records this season; announcing team awards winners; recognition of All-KSAC Players; and the presentation of D-9 Championship Medals, Varsity Letters and Pins; the ever popular Coaches’ Appreciation, by the Senior players, where gag gifts are given.
The finale of the evening, as every year, was the presentation of the Jerseys and individual action photos to the Seniors by their parents, a great way to honor those players for their hard work and their parents for their love and support. The outstanding photos, produced by Gary Wiant and Vinyl Graphics Unlimited, are selected by the players and parents.
Two themes that ran throughout the evening were: 1. The unselfishness that is apparent in this team and how this unselfishness is a major factor in their success and 2. The great support that is given to this team by the players’ parents and the community.
Team Award Winners Recipients
Tanner Corbett – Thomas M. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Damien Slike – Jerry “Joe” Staley / Outstanding Senior
Ian Corbett – Brad S. Leonard / Outstanding Junior
Brendan Miller – Gary Ross Lawrence / Outstanding Sophomore
John Katis and Damien Slike – MVP Offense
Destin Strauser – MVP Defense
Antonio Troese – MVP Special Teams
Benton Reichart and Nathan McNamara – Alex Arth “Hogmeister Award / Outstanding Lineman
All-KSAC Small School Football Team Members
Lineman of the Year: Benton Reichart
Defensive MVP: Destin Strauser
Offensive MVP: Damien Slike
First Team
Offensive Interior Line: Benton Reichart,
Nathan McNamara, Zach Miller
Slot Back: Tanner Corbett
Wide Receiver: Cody Hearst
Fullback: Damien Slike
Running Back: Ian Corbett
Quarterback: John Katis
Defensive Ends: Ian Corbett
Defensive Line: Benton Reichart
Linebackers: Destin Strauser, Damien Slike
Safety: Cody Hearst
Cornerback: Antonio Troese, Tanner Corbett