Clarion Area Holds 2023 Fall Sports Kickoff and Bonfire At Newly Renovated Field
Clarion Area held their 2023 Fall Sports Kickoff and Bonfire at the newly renovated field, behind the high school on Thursday, August 24th, before a fairly large crowd.

The event recognizes participants in Clarion Area fall sports, as well as teams in which Clarion Area kids are part of in co-ops. The event also recognizes the Band, Dance Team and Cheer Squad.
Emcee for the event was Doug Klein, who did his usual great job, as he has done every year since it’s inception in 2010.
The newly formed Central Clarion Wildcat Band, under the direction of Miss Sarah Dawson, performing the National Anthem. The band is a joins the former Clarion Area Band, which includes North Clarion and the Clarion-Limestone Band.

The Wildcat Dance Team then performed to “Dance the Night.”

Following the Dance Team, the Band performed two of the songs that are in this season’s Friday night repertoire, “Great Balls of Fire” and “Mr. Blue Sky.”
The Wildcat Junior High football team was introduced en masse and made their way through the human tunnel. The rest of the groups’ members would be introduced by name as they made it through the tunnel.
The Band then joined the tunnel. Doug shared, “… we wish to thank the following for making tonight possible: Clarion Fire & Hose Co. #1 who light up the night for us; Clarion Area administration including Dr. Carrico, Mrs. Martini-Miller, Mrs. Mills, and Mr. Fagley; Clarion Borough; Kronospan for the pallets; the Music Boosters for the good eats; and… Clarion Sports Zone… Thank you all.” He then had the gathering applaud those mentioned.
The Clarion Area Music Boosters operate the brand new concessions stand, with proceeds going to Clarion Area’s general music fund. In an earlier article, Miss Dawson described the great work this group does, “The Clarion Area Music Boosters Association supports the concert band, choral, and general music programs. Funding through this organization helps provide for new instruments, instrument repair, music purchases, materials for general music, and other equipment necessary for these programs. The concession stand operates to raise money for this purpose.”

Doug mentioned that Wildcats Football Boosters had a table set up where yard signs could be ordered and/or books of discount coupons could be purchased, both help with team expenses.
He said shared this about the groups, “Sports fans and band enthusiasts alike…. Tonight we recognize these athletes and band members who represent Clarion Area and our co-ops, Clarion-Limestone and North Clarion and we applaud their commitment to be the best athlete and player they can be!
“Please hold your applause until each group is recognized, so the students can hear their names when they are called. And here are your teams and band for Fall 2023!”
The groups introduced after the Band joined the line included in order: Central Clarion Wildcats Dance Team (Head Coach -Morgan Hartle); Central Wildcats Cheer Team (Head Coach – Lainey Lavelle); Clarion Bobcats Cross Country (Head Coach – Keith Murtha); Clarion Area Golf Team (Head Coach – Jay Kerle and Assistant Jackie Kerle who coaches the tournament teams).
At this point, Doug paused introductions to recognize and lead the gathering in a round of applause for Laura Burford, who works tirelessly in coordinating this event, which she has done for a number of years.
The introductions continued: Clarion Area Volleyball Team (Head Coach – Shari Campbell); Clarion-Limestone Lions Boys Soccer Team (co-ops with Clarion Area) (Head Coach – Don Montgomery); Clarion Area Girls Soccer Team (Co-ops with Clarion-Limestone) (Head Coach – Chris Shonbachler); Central Clarion Wildcats Football Team (Co-op includes Clarion Area, North Clarion and Clarion-Limestone) (Head Coach – Dave Eggleton); and the Central Clarion Wildcats Marching Band (Director – Sarah Dawson).
Along with the various group members and Head Coaches, the Assistant Coaches for each squad and certain key guests were introduced also.
Next it was time for the presentation of the trophy for the Best Pallet.

The pallets, which were displayed around the school recently, were voted on by the Clarion Area Faculty.

Clarion Area Principal Natalie Miller-Martini presented the trophy which the winner has possession of throughout the year.
Keeping everyone in suspense Mrs. Miller-Martini stopped at a several groups, before presenting the trophy to this year’s winner, the Band. This is their second win in a row!

In closing Doug shared, “Earlier, we thanked the individuals and organizations that made tonight happen.
“We also thank you, the parents and families who drive their students to and from countless camps, practices and games.
“Clarion Area, along with our co-op schools, North Clarion and Clarion-Limestone can be very proud to have such fine students to represent them. Good luck to all the teams this fall season and a big ‘Thank You’ to or Marching Band for being our number one fans!
“Now the teams can carry their pallet to the burn pile and let’s watch it burn!
“Go CATS!!!!”
(Great event to all involved!! Have successful seasons, Teams!!!!)