Antonio Troese Given Prestigious Scholar Athlete Recognition (03/28/14)
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of The National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame held their Annual Banquet at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, on Sunday March 23rd.
Antonio Troese was Clarion Area High School’s honoree this year. The senior placekicker, receiver and defensive back, was honored with other student athletes from throughout Central Pennsylvania. Criteria for receiving the honor include: scholarship, citizenship and athletic achievement.
Among those accompanying Antonio at the banquet were his parents, Rick and Jan Troese and Clarion Football Coach Larry Wiser.

(Photo by Coach Wiser)
Antonio Troese with his parents, Rick and Jan Troese and DelGrossa – Marianna’s Fundraisers, Executive Director, Aaron Gray
Keynote speaker, Don Ganter, son of long time Penn State Assistant Football Coach, Fran Ganter. Part of the Inaugural NFF Awards Class Ganter interned with and later was on staff with U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, during George W. Bush’s administration. He got his law degree and is now a practicing attorney.
In addition to receiving Clarion Area’s Scholar/AthleteAward, Antonio was also a recipient of the “Marianna’s Fundraisers” Award from DelGrosso Foods. The award that is given to several of the players also carries a $1,000 scholarship. The award was presented by DelGrosso Marianna Fundraisers Executive Director, Aaron Gray.
Antonio had this to say, “I would like to say that I am honored to be a part of the National Football Foundation. I would like to thank my coaches and teachers for helping me to achieve this award, as well as Delgrosso’s for providing this scholarship, and the National Football Foundation for affording opportunities like this to students.”
Coach Wiser mentioned that Penn State Coach James Franklin took time to talk with everyone of the players and all the coaches.
Coach Wiser, “Antonio Troese is our fourth or fifth scholarship winner. I’ve got to personally say that today was like Camron (Kirkland), last year. I am just so proud of our kids, in our school.”
Coach Wiser said, “Antonio represented Clarion well, with his accomplishments in the classroom and beyond the classroom, in the athletic field, on the track; he’s on the basketball team, the football team. He contributes in a major way in all three of those sports. But he’s also a great person in the community. He and the family have given a lot to the Church (Immaculate Conception) up there. Antonio was actually an altar boy and he does so many other things besides just being involved.
“It was kind of neat today. Last year Camron was one of the last scholarships called out. You sit there the whole way through and the announcer announced the first award and then, before there was even an applause for him, he started the second award and he said, ‘From Clarion…’ And we knew we had it there. But what was so unique was that the spaghetti company (Del Grosso Foods), actually has a subdivision, Marianna’s. They have a fundraiser; Del Grosso Foods provides the $1,000 scholarship. Their Executive Director, was sitting at the table and I’m getting to think, ‘Wouldn’t it be so neat if we got his award?’ And here we did. So that’s probably why they sat us all together there. It was pretty neat. (The Award is for being one of the top scholar athletes.)
“The entire Troese family, Jan’s grandma was there; of course, Rick and Jan and their daughter and uncle, Henry Troese. So we all got to sit at the table. And then our team got recognized for its accomplishments. That was also pretty neat.”
Coach Wiser showed his pride in Antonio and others before him, who have won academic awards, “Antonio and I got a chance to stand up for the Clarion Football Team. Those were the teams that went on to the State Playoffs and did well.
“It’s kind of special when those kids get those academic awards. It’s like winning a football game.”