Wildcats Hold Cross Country Banquet, Honoring Runners and Families, Coaches And Volunteers

Photos Courtesy of Diane Lutz and Coach Oakes – Above Varsity and Junior High runners

(By Central Clarion Wildcats Cross Country head coach Nicole Oakes)

On Sunday, November 11th we had our final wrap up of our inaugural season of the Central Clarion Wildcats Cross Country team. At Zion Church, and catered by Daddy’s with dessert tables galore provided by the amazing parents of our athletes, we had a celebration in style as we always do. We work so hard for months for those big races that we look forward to, but truly the banquet is another season highlight and the perfect way to wrap things up.

Just a portion of those gathered for the banquet

There were many things to celebrate: undefeated seasons for the Junior High girls and Varsity boys, KSAC champions for the Varsity Boys and Girls, District 9 Champions for the Varsity boys and a fifth in the state finish from them as well.

Wildcat Varsity Boys District Nine 1A Team Champions

All runners, grades 7-11 received a soft blanket with the Wildcat mascot and their names embroidered on them. The Varsity boys, District 9 champions received orange long sleeve Shirts with their names on the back in recognition of this honor. Our 10 All-Conference athletes received their official certificate from the league as well as a roller massage stick. Our individual state qualifying girls received sweatshirts.

Wildcat All-KSAC runners with their Official Certificates Front row – Livia McGinley, Adisen Jackson, Eliza Datko, Drake Edmonds Back row – Reise Jackson, Julianna Schwabenbauer, AJ Mecusker, Logan Powell, Jonas Wilshire, Hayden Weber

All of our Varsity Athletes earned new Central Clarion Varsity Letters this year, as well as ornaments made by our Lion Manufacturing group at Clarion-Limestone. Seniors got a few additional specialized gifts.

Wildcat Freshmen (L-R) Ryan Rinker, Kaleb Walker, AJ Mecusker, Caden Lewis, Dana Coulson, Livia McGinley

Close to the end of every season we have kids vote on superlatives so several of those awards were handed out on Sunday as well. Honestly, these are some of my favorites as they are recognized by their peers for character qualities that are so much more valuable than just speed running through the woods. This year some of our superlatives included, best teammate, most improved, team leaders, and most encouraging.

The third picture is: The three Coaches, Kelsey Makin, Nicole Oakes and Erin Hepfl, talking to families

Every year saying goodbye to our seniors is difficult, we watch them grow up, most of them from awkward little 12 year olds to adults actually moving out into the world. Its the part of the evening we both look forward to and try to pass by quickly as we wipe away the tears and this year was no different.

Wildcat Seniors – (L-R) Logan Lutz, Olivia Radaker, Riley Rinker, Logan Powell, Logan Meier

Logan Lutz, and Riley Rinker have been those kids this year that have been with us for 6 full years with Logan Meier and Oliva Radaker not far behind. We love doing the comparison photos from their first years to their lasts, but they sure grow and change more than just what those photos can physically show.

In the last two years, Logan Powell has also joined our team and has been a strong consistent leader, he puts in more training time than most and is probably the best kid on the team at being all business at business time and total fun when we can let loose.

We will miss all five of those kids, and wish them the best of luck as they move on.

There was a group of families that worked hard to make our banquet a success and I worry in naming them I may miss a few. A few specific shout outs for our banquet evening to Tiffany Jackson for creating the slideshow, Jessica Craig for coordinating the catering and Diane Lutz for photographing the evening.

Diane and Tiffany at a meet

With Logan being a Senior this year, the Lutz family will be moving on to support him at the collegiate level. Their absence will be greatly missed as wonderful consistent helpers for our team. Diane has provided literally thousands of photos of all of our athletes over the last six years and I know that I speak for parents past and present in thanking her for that gift.

(Sports Zone note: Not only C-L and Wildcats, but other teams around the area benefit from the great photography work of Diane. And I’m sure I speak for print and online media throughout the area, Diane Lutz has been a Godsend, giving us all access to her photos for articles. With Diane, It’s “Anything for the kids!!” And Diane, Todd and Logan have helped me personally in many ways when I was at various events, taking specific photos for me, spotting for me for notes, etc. I am pleased to call the always smiling Lutz family my friends.)

7th grade group – Front (L-R) Lauren Emings, Bryn Anderson, Tenley Kiskadden, Mya Caradi, Bri Mogus, Tanner Love, Alex McGinley, Joe Lambing, Dan Kocher, Liam Moore, Landon Walker, Ellie Miller, Audrey Oakes, Brylie Glenn. Back (L-R) Leah McBride, Mason (Squirrel) Strattan

Personally, as a parent, my daughter ran cross country this year and I know that while coaching there was no chance I was also going to take any photos, so I am so grateful to have these memories because of her efforts. We have jokingly called Todd our team dad for the last several seasons as he is our go to when we have stuck spikes or broken tents for on the spot fixes.

The Lutz family will be greatly missed.

Two out of three ain’t bad. Diane and Logan with (Adi Jackson). Missing is Todd – probably the one taking the photo.

We also had to take time to recognize our volunteer assistant coaches Becky Whitling and Casey Painter, we had 50 kids this season. That is a lot when we consider how spread out they can be at any one time, and I started this season on crutches, so I was little to no help physically. We would not have had the success we did this year without these two ladies.

Becky Whitling and Casey Painter

They were willing to do anything we asked and were constantly asking what they could do. Both of them are also super supportive, positive thinkers. Their presence has been invaluable to the athletes and the coaches this season.

While she didn’t show up in the banquet pictures, popping up in other ways during the banquet, our team mascot, maybe we could call her… was baby Maura. A wrap up of the season could not be complete without recognition of coach Kelsey’s daughter, Maura. Now 9 months old, all season she has been a team favorite among parents and athletes.

Baby Maura with Logan Meier, Logan Powell, Logan Lutz, Ryan Rinker, Riley Rinker

Never would I have guessed how much our Varsity boys just loved playing with her any time she had a chance to join us, I guarantee her smile will be something that everyone also remembers about this season.

Wildcat Sophomores (L-R) Julianna Schwabenbauer, Reise Jackson, Eliza Datko, Drake Edmonds, Paul Craig

(Sports Zone note: We saved this photo for last. And unbeknownst to Diane, I pulled the caption she posted with this photo on her Facebook page – no doubt Diane [and so many others mentioned in this article among others] absolutely see this team as family!!) “Always wanted to get a picture of everyone at our banquet…this year was it! Our entire family…missing a few, but these are the cross country families of 2024!
“Jr. High and Varsity combine had 50+ kiddos and 3 coaches and 2 volunteers! Amazing what they accomplished in a year with a group this huge!”)

“The Family”

(Congratulations, one-and-all!!!! Thanks to Diane and Nicole for the photos!!)