2023 PIAA State Class-1A Baseball Champion Bobcats Receive A Wonderful Welcome On Return To Clarion
Above photo by Stephanie Brinkley
After winning the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) State Class-1A Baseball championship, with a 4-1 victory over DuBois Central Catholic earlier in the day on Thursday, June 15th, their was one last order of business when the Clarion Area Bobcats returned home.
The Bobcats’ team bus made a stop at the Zacherl Motors where the players climbed on top of the Clarion Fire & Hose Company No. 1 hook and ladder, one of three of the company’s vehicles that would be put into special service escorting the team into and through town.
Units from from Pennsylvania State Police Troop C (Clarion Station) and the Clarion Borough Police Department also accompanied the team in this very memorable escort.
With sirens blaring, the escort announced its arrival well before they made the turn from Greenville Avenue on to Main Street.
Once the turn was made the visual came into play, with emergency lights flashing and the victorious players on top of the hook and ladder coming into view.
The scene wasn’t too bad from the players perspective either, with fans along the Main Street, cheering, holding signs, waving at the champions, and shouting words of congratulations to the champions (with the good sentiments returned in kind).
After the first two units (Clarion Borough and PSP) passed the Immaculate Conception Church, the first Clarion Fire & Hose unit, with no one on top, stopped and out stepped longtime Assistant Coach, Lee Weber and his son and fellow Assistant Coach Adrian Weber climbed out and assumed their spots atop the vehicle.
The procession then resumed, with that unit leading, then the players on their vehicle, medals around their necks, displaying the Championship Trophy and Banner, followed by a special truck, with rightfully so, only one lone occupant on top, Bobcats’ Head Coach Rob Jewett.
I’ve never been one to use military analogies in sports writing, but I must confess, the scene brought to my mind depictions from movies or artwork of victorious ancient Roman armies coming home victorious from battle, the officers in their chariots, the troops carrying the spoils (in this case the trophy, banners and medals, all the fruits of a State Championship campaign that saw the Bobcats outscore their opponents 32-1 in the four contests combined) followed by the the commander in his chariot.
Bringing up the rear of the procession was the team bus (with no team on it now) and another Clarion Borough Police Unit.
The largest gathering on the route was at the Courthouse, with many there cheering and interacting with the players and coaches.
Then it was on to the high school, where folks were gathered as well.
And in the category “Better Late Than Never,” Coach Jewett was awarded the customary, “refreshing” “Gatorade Bath.”
What a fun memorable event for the Team, Parents and Fans, and The Community!!!!
Congratulations, Bobcats On A Truly Remarkable Run!!!!
(Thanks to Stephanie Brinkley, Nate Girvan and Adrian Weber for your photos!!)